Sunday, January 31, 2010

Interesting Facts....

The average adult horse will eat anywhere from three to six times its own body weight in hot pockets a day.

Dolphins don’t have eyes. Or souls.

7 out of 10 Americans have been attacked by tigers.

If you were to walk from Cleveland, Ohio to the surface of the moon you would die well before you got there. Seriously, you would die in space.

Penguins are one of only seven arctic birds that can read minds.

The popular 80’s comedy ‘Ghostbusters’ was actually written by Macaulay Culkin. He was 14 months old at the time.

Spiders are allergic to red meat. If they eat it they will almost assuredly turn into a bat. That’s where bats come from.

The Rocky Mountains are extremely tall and consist mostly of rock.

Cats are stupid.

Unicorns, although not real, are pretty fucking bad ass.

If an orangutan and a rhinoceros were to fight the rhinoceros would enjoy the distinct advantage of being a fucking rhinoceros.

The average adult male will visit White Castle 97 times a year. Of those, 92 will be within 4 hours of doing something really fucking stupid.

Chocolate milk actually derives from mixing chocolate with milk and not from a genetically engineered chocolate cow, as many people believe. No, I’m just kidding. It’s from the genetically engineered cow.

The word 'facts' is a funny sounding word. Or is that just me? Say it. Isn't that weird?

91% of married women need to just stop it.

97% of husbands didn’t even want to go to the strip club. They were dragged there by their friends.

If you are ever approached by a bear remember to stay calm and ask the bear what the hell it’s looking at.

The accordion is a box shaped instrument sometimes referred to as the squeeze-box. A person who plays the accordion is called an accordionist or really huge nerd.

A double quarter pounder with cheese from McDonald’s packs a mind-boggling 1,200 grams of deliciousness. This number doesn’t even include fries and a drink.

Rain is really the result of angels up in heaven crying about what you did.

The only person keeping you from achieving your dreams is you. You and the judge and the lawyers.

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