Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Matell and what's wrong with America...

This weeks 'going to hell' corporation is Mattell (demonic toymaker and creator of that horrible materialistic p.o.s. Barbie). I saw a commercial yesterday for the Barbie Party RV. So Barbie and her shallow little tweaker friends can go "camping" while at the same time making sure they are still blingin' out of control. Its got a big screen TV and hot tub and all this other crap that has nothing to do with the time honored tradition of camping. Another horrible message directed at todays children that accumulating as much material s**t as possible will spell happiness and success and fill that void left in your heart because your parents were too busy to hug you. There is nothing wrong with having a jewel encrusted RV if you have the money and thats what you want but there is just something inherently wrong and completely unholy about bombarding children with this message. It's this sense of entitlement and quest for material crap and spendning money people dont have that helped get America in the trouble we are in now and disillusioned countless youths. Go to hell Matell. You go to hell and you die.

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