Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Senility isn't always a bad thing...

So my great aunt Bethany is in a home and pretty well out of it. She's full blown senile and when I visit lately she apparently thinks I am her late husband, my great Uncle Frank, who passed away when I was only 3 years old. She seems very happy when I visit and I don't have the heart to 'snap her out of it'. If she's happy in whatever year her mind is telling her she's in why should I ruin it? What am I going to tell her? That the only man she ever loved died 3 decades ago and she's biding her time in this senior citizen home? So I play along. I pretend to be my Great Uncle Frank. The sex is weird.


  1. Good start. You can never go wrong with a geriatric sex joke.

  2. Why is the sex weird? Like, is it kinky stuff with whips and chains and stuff, or am I missing something?
